Curriculum vitae

Dr Ladislav Novotny MVDr MSc PhD DACVP FRCPath CertAqVet DipECAAH MRCVS


Dr Ladislav Novotny MVDr MSc PhD DACVP FRCPath CertAqV DECAAH MRCVS

 Address  Manesova 274, 533 45 Ceperka
 Telephon  +420 723 289 823
 Date of Birth  6th August 1976


 2023 Diplomate American College of Veterinary Pathologists 
 2021 Diplomate ECAAH
 2021 WAVMA - Certified Aquatic Veterinarian (CertAqV)
 2020  RCVS recognised specialist in pathology
 2015  Royal College of Pathologists - FRCPath part 2
 2014  Royal College of Pathologists - FRCPath part 1
 2010 - 2012  Fishery and Hydrobiology MENDELU Brno - Ing. (MSc)
 2002 - 2005  Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Brno - MVDr.
 2001 - 2004  Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Brno - Ph.D. in pathology
 1994 - 2001  Faculty of Veterinary Hygiene Brno - MVDr.
 1990 - 1994  High School


 visiting professor College of Vet Med, Purdue University, USA
7/2013 - now
 pathologist at Finn Pathologists, Weybread, United Kingdom
01/2019 -10/2019
 Senior Teaching Fellow in Anatomic Pathology, Surrey Vet School, UK
  9/2011 - 02/2014
 associate prof. in veterinary pathology Faculty of Vet Medicine Brno
 10/2010 - 9/2011  assistant prof. Dept. of Pathology Faculty of Vet Medicine Brno
 9/2011 - 10/2012  associate prof. in histology, Medical School Hradec Kralove
 1/2008 - 9/2011  associate prof. in histology, Medical School Hradec Kralove
 2002 - now  private diagnostic pathologist
 08/2007 - 11/2010  Head of Animal House Faculty of Military Health Sci Hradec Kralove
 08/2006 - 01/2007  diagnostic pathologist CytoPath Ltd., Ledbury, UK
 2004 - 07/2006  assistant prof. Dept. of Pathology Faculty of Vet Medicine Brno
 2001 - 2004  lecturer  Dept. of Pathology Faculty of Vet Medicine Brno
 2000 - 2001  volunteer Dept. of Pathology Faculty of Vet Medicine Brno

Scientific work

 2007 - now  modulators of acetylcholine in mammals
 2001 - 2004  granulomatous inflammation in fish
 1998 - 2003  fish mycobacteriosis
 1998 - 1999  pyrethroids in fish tissues
 1997 - 1998  mercury in fish tissues


   English (fluent - IELTS, STANAG 6001 - 2nd grade)
   French (beginner - STANAG 6001 - 1st grade)
   German  (beginner)


ACVP (American College of Veterinary Pathologists)
 RCPath (Royal College of Pathologists)
 RCVS (Royal Vet College of UK)
 ECAAH (Eueropean College of Aquatic Animal Health)
 ESVP (European Society of Vet Pathologists)
 KVL (Czech Vet Chamber)
 SVLZ (Society of Lab Animals)
 ČSHC (Society of Histochemistry)
Vrchlického 230, 533 45 Čeperka
+420 725 485 828